XojoPro, expire jan 28, 2018.

I used to be active in this community and I used to have an active license…
Can I compile software in any way…?
I miss the community! :slight_smile:
(Of-course! Only for private use! Nothing business-style!)

Hi Jakob - Welcome back! You can continue to build apps indefinitely with any Xojo release that came out prior to your expiration. You can download old versions by logging into your account here.

And since for private use, if you want to run in debug from the IDE, you can actually download and use the current version if you need different features than were available in your last license period.

But if you want to compile, you need to use a version that was released on or before your license expiration date.

Ah! Thank you! Perfect! That was never clear to me earlier! Thank you for fast reply!