I am looking for some advice/thoughts/opinions from experienced Xojo people.
WebApp has DataSource class that can be used with WebListBox and Postgres Database to show some data.
WebApp has complex WebPage that consists of several WebContainers, each container has at least 1 (one) WebListBox that is using DataSource.
The DataSource in each WebContainer shows as the widget in the “bottom shelf”, it has unique name.
Each WebListBox has different query (typically using some parameters).
When testing the WebApp on my machine I often get errors in DataSource.RawData method, the error is about rs (RowSet) having different columns from expected columns, it looks as if the query getting count() is confused with the query getting data.
If I run the same compiled code through the browser off the web server (that has database server on local network) then I don’t get to see these errors, the data shows properly.
So my question:
Could this be caused by network latency?
My other question:
Can I use single DataSource class as Super in various WebContainers? (this is what I assume I can do)
Or shall I create separate subclasses from DataSource and then use them as Super in various WebContainers?
Basically, I am wondering how instantiation of the DataSource properties really works in this scenario. Perhaps there is some source of information on this topic somewhere but I couldn’t find is.