I have noticed odd problem with context menu, WebListBox and touch pad on my Mac M1 when using keyboard shortcut to invoke the context menu. I would typically hold down Control key and tap on the touch pad to invoke context menu. I have have noticed that the menu shows briefly and then disappears. When connected mouse and did the right click on the mouse the context menu shows up as expected.
Typically I use external keyboard and regular mouse so I haven’t noticed this problem, but today I had to charge my keyboard thus had to disconnect the mouse and use touch pad. This is when I have noticed this issue.
Context menu is something we use all the time when working with WebListBox, be it in the desktop app or web app. The context menu should work regardless of how it is invoked, whether via mouse right click or keyboard short cut such as Control + tap on touch pad.
I may build a little demo later but perhaps someone else can verify this for me before I decide to create the issue.
I use two fingers and press on the upper part of the TouchPad (near the keyboard) to activate Right-Click in my MacBook Pro m1. But Ctrl-click (click in the Touch Pad) works fine too.
You are really quick. I have downloaded the project and can confirm the problem there as well. I think it is a bug and I will create the issue. I was hoping that other people have noticed this too but apparently nobody is programming on laptop
Interesting, as I was not able to confirm the problem either by touching with 2 fingers or doing Ctrl+click (with the mouse) or Ctrl+Touch (with one finger on the touch pad)
Alberto, it is not a click but hold down Control key and tap on the touch pad. This should result in selection of the row in the WebListBox and the context menu popping up - problem is that the context menu pops up and disappears without giving me a chance to click on the menu item - hence it is useless.
The problem is Safari. See the information/videos I added to your case.
In Short, I was able to reproduce with Safari doing this:
Ctrl+click (left mouse button)
Ctrl+touch (with one finger on the touchpad)
Firefox and Chrome work without problems.
Hope this helps.
Edit: I updated my post and Issue information to mention Control+Click (if mouse is used) and Control+Touch (if touchpad is used). I hope is clear now.
Edit2: Gif captured from a macOS 13.6.8, Safari, mac-mini with keyboard and mouse doing Control+click (left mouse button)