Xojo with FoxPro DBF

If any one have connect dbf

I Would talk to Kevin Cully about this. He has a converter of FoxPro to Xojo. And he is the resident foxpro expert.

thanks i only need read from the DBF

On Windows, you can use ODBC to connect to a FoxPro DBF file.

Windows 7 32Bits but no works

Dim Dubug,pp,SqlStr As String
Dim SapDb As ODBCDatabase

SapDb=New ODBCDatabase

pp = “C:\Users\jetpr\Desktop\PTM\INVEN.DBF”

SqlStr=“Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=” + pp + “;”

If SapDb.Connect then
//proceed with database operations
MsgBox “The connection failed.”
end if

What does SapDB.ErrorMessage say?

Did you specify the DSN?

SapDB.DataSource = SqlStr

i fix DSN
Now Works