I was just thinking… As much as Xojo Web needs some improvements it still gets the job done for me. Granted what I need is very simple functionality. For example doing something like this took me less than 2 hours
My hope for future Xojo web is just native
The future of Xojo Web is looking bright and I believe within the next couple years there will be no need for third party
I too hope and root for Xojo to become more powerful out of the box but I do believe that there will always be a need for third party controls/plugins/classes and that’s OK for me
Predicting the future is utterly difficult. Especially when it comes to programming. No matter how complete a language, there will always be unforeseen needs for which new classes and third party development.
I for one have invested heavily in 3rd party tools for Xojo
In time there is no doubt that those will become less needed, but in other areas of Xojo as time goes on there will always be a need and a market for 3rd party tools
@Michel_Bujardet and others,
Xojo has been around for 20+ years and they have added functionality that developers want. I believe there will always be a venue for 3rd party developers to add to the Xojo ecosystem
So I was not meaning there is an end, just a beginning to something new
Every project has different requirements, I also think there will be always a place for 3rd party plugins like Graffiti, or apps like Lifeboat. Some Open Source controls from the community, also.
I’ve noticed you make a few cool open source projects. It makes me wonder why they don’t get integrated into the framework? Is that another whole thread to get into? I don’t want to derail, but I am curious.
It’s just those controls are useful, but maybe just for web. There are other new controls that will also fit on the other platforms and they will be integrated into Xojo.
That said, the Toast control will be part of the Web SDK examples in 2022r4.