Would you mind posting your review of Xojo on G2Crowd here? It only takes a few minutes and will help spread the word about Xojo. There are currently only 4 reviews of Xojo there, we can do better than that! Please help us get to at least 10 reviews by Tuesday. We really appreciate it!
And with me. Besides, the review questions are targeted at professional developers and ask about the nature of the business. I may be a minority but I have no business. I am retired and code as a hobbyist. So, ssince the survey requires signing in and information about my business, I am not going to do the survey, despite how much I enjoy Xojo.
A big thank you to everyone who took the time! We now have 11 reviews. I’d love to have more, so keep them coming if you want. Definitely no pressure, but we do appreciate the help!