I saw its possible to add Group Headers to the Xojo Report Designer. But I dont know how they work.
I have to test-tables:
Animals (Name, Size)
Cars (Name, Speed)
I want to show each row of both tables on one report. First all the Animals, sorted by Name with the Group Header Animals and below analog the Cars, sorted by Name.
How can I do this, because I have only one Body-Section?
SELECT ‘header’ AS type, ‘Name’ AS key, ‘Size’ AS value
SELECT ‘animal’ as type, Name AS key, Size AS Value FROM Animals ORDER BY Name
SELECT ‘empty’ AS type, ‘’ AS key, ‘’ AS value
SELECT ‘header’ AS type, ‘Name’ AS key, ‘Speed’ AS value
SELECT ‘car’ as type, Name AS key, Speed AS Value FROM Cars ORDER by Name;
Here you can find my Demo-Project with a Sample SQLite-Database. I don’t get, what I want as result. Maybe someone can look to the Demo please. Is it also possible to have dynamic Group Header Column Headers, depending on the “Header” for Name, Size/Speed? Thanks
looks good and works fine for me at the moment. And I dont need a Group Header. If there will be some more questions while doing some experiments on this topic, I will text at this post.
Is it also possible with your variant to insert a column description of the individual tables in the group header, which is then displayed at the top of every new page, just like Group Header?
Not easyly with the pagebreak included.
You have to know how much row are on one page, than you have to build the query in a loop:
dim pagelines as integer = 20
dim itemsInAnimals = <query to db, SELECT COUNT() FROM animals>
dim itemsInCars = <query to db, SELECT COUNT() FROM acrs>
dim sql as string = "SELECT ‘1header’ AS type, ‘Animal’ AS key, ‘’ AS value UNION SELECT ‘2lineheader’ AS type, ‘Name’ AS key, ‘Size’ AS value UNION "
dim tmpindex as integer = 3
for i as integer = 1 to itemsinanimals step pagelines
sql = sql + “SELECT '” + tmpindex.tottext + “animal’ AS type, Name AS key, Size AS Value FROM Animals LIMIT " + pagelines + " UNION SELECT '” + str(tmpindex + 1) + "lineheader’ AS type, ‘Name’ AS key, ‘Size’ AS value UNION "
tmpindex = tmpindex + 2
and so on…
not tested…
you have to check, when the tables are changing, to add the amount of the first to the second table…
Thanks for your answer. OK, this is not possible to me, because I don’t know the count of rows of each table. But no problem, I can live with your solution above.
What if one table has 2 columns but the other has 5? The description of the UNION statement states that both tables must have the same number of columns. Is it possible to query a kind of “blank columns” in this case?
I already described the structure of my two tables above, but there is another column called RecordID (integer).
There is a third table “Records”, with the properties
Price (Double)
Quantity (integer)
Available (Boolean).
Now the SQL query should query the 3 properties of the records table with the e.g. rowid = 1 and output all Animals and Cars with the RecordID 1. So that you can output the data of the record in the PageHeader so to speak and in the body area as already done the Animal and Car tables.
You really made my day. Thank you very much for your help.
I always thought Xojo’s report engine was very limited. Today, however, I learned that much more about Xojo Reports than I ever thought possible (even if there are still no dynamic body bands that adjust their height to the length of the text).