Xojo Meeting in Austin, Texas?

Hello everyone,

I am coming to Austin in early February 2024 and I may organize a casual get-together with Xojo developers.

Something like a meet-up for dinner in a restaurant to talk about Xojo.

But I’d be welcome to ideas.

I made a survey with doodle to find a date:

Anyone interested?

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Sunday usually is not an option for me but I see what I can do if others prefer that day.

I selected Monday and Friday but at this stage it is tentative. Not entirely sure I can get approval for the trip yet.

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I made a blog post: Xojo Meeting in Austin


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Just one month, so let me know if more people from Austin area like to join!

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@Christian_Schmitz did you select a day?

Sorry, there will be no meeting this time.
maybe next time.