If you know anyone near Atlanta, please let me know.
Also if someone can do a trip to Atlanta for some reason (visiting relatives for example), you are welcome to stop by for the meeting.
That’s a tricky one, depends on where folks are coming from. There’s some good choices at Battery Park which is by the baseball park, NW Atlanta. Others will have some good suggestions too I’m sure.
Looking on where everyone lives, it seems like most of you are north of Atlanta (And one person from south of Atlanta), so picking a place north of Atlanta seems to be convenient for you guys.
For the date, let’s take the Monday 2nd October. The restaurants are quite full on Sunday, so I prefer Monday here. Everyone okay with that?
The battery park area looks good as it is the meeting point of two highways.
Would the Stoney River Steakhouse and Grill - Atlanta be a good place to meet?
I live in the Cleveland Ohio area, but I’m a retired sysadmin now working on my own as a freelancer, so my schedule is flexible. Taking a couple days off to head south and attend the meet-up, so Monday is fine with me, same with whatever meeting place.
There’s a baseball game on Sunday, the last one of the normal season so that’s why Sunday is busy. Personally I’m ok with the restaurant but am flexible. Anything BUT the cheesecake factory!