XOJO Lite/WIndows - Sedning keystrokes to a web window

Mostly new to XOJO, have 2024r4.1 release.

I am trying to automate accessing my NAS units… I would like a simple program based on the SimpleWebBrowser example to address each of my NAS units since they cannot be controlled by a common program by default. I want to be able to point to the unit and send my login info (username & password) to access their Control Panels.

I looked at a couple posts about sending keystrokes but cannot find the needed command in the documentation. So first I believe there is a command to select the windows which when loading the simplebrowser I would think would be the current window BUT if not. how do I make it the active window? And secondly, how do I push the login keystrokes to automate the login process?


Sedning keystrokes to a web window

you could try to use the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) and use Java Script to get the html input elements and set the value there then raise a click event.

input elements usually have a name or id.
