Xojo Lite: Use On One Computer, Two Partitions?

I have the Xojo Lite Mac License.

My Mac is partitioned to boot both 10.13 and 10.14.

Currently, Xojo is installed into 10.13 and activated.

I cannot activate it on 10.14, even though it is the same machine, just a different partition.

I should be able to do this - it is still only one computer, a MacBook Air. I am the only user of the computer. The license says, “Xojo Lite and Raspberry Pi license keys may be installed on only one computer”.

I would have thought you could develop on each partition, but only compile on one. Is that not the case?

Maybe change “one computer” with “one installation”.

Although it is the same computer, you can activate the license once.
If you want to activate/authorize the license on 10.14 you have to deauthorize it for 10.13.
Go to Xojo and login to your account.
Click the tab Licenses.
There you can deauthorize your current license (click the grey circle with the white cross).
After you have done that, you can activate/authorize your license on 10.14.

are there two partitions invisible to each other? If not, why not have Xojo on one of them, and the just access it from the other?
Since this is macOS, it just exist as “two drives”…

[quote=426157:@Mike Richardson]I have the Xojo Lite Mac License.

My Mac is partitioned to boot both 10.13 and 10.14.

Currently, Xojo is installed into 10.13 and activated.

I cannot activate it on 10.14, even though it is the same machine, just a different partition.

I should be able to do this - it is still only one computer, a MacBook Air. I am the only user of the computer. The license says, “Xojo Lite and Raspberry Pi license keys may be installed on only one computer”.[/quote]

Hi Mike - please contact hello@xojo.com for help with this.