Xojo License dialog appearing Nov 1st?

All our CI (Continuous Integration) builds broke because launching Xojo 2015 r2.4 started requesting (again) that we agree to the license agreement. We had previously agreed to all of them. What changed that we had to agree again?

I’m mostly curious at this point, because we’re all waiting for better CI support from Xojo <https://xojo.com/issue/3215>


Nothing that I can think of would have changed to make that occur
And we’re still a long way away from a command line compiler

However , that doesn’t mean you cannot have a CI setup
All our IDE builds right up to the point of building installers are done automatically

Oh, we have a CI setup, it’s just a bit convoluted and involves bash, AppleScript and XojoScript. And it can’t handle when an unexpected dialog comes up. Which was a bit weird…

I can’t think of any reason there would have / should have been anything that caused a dialog to appear

I just opened Xojo (didn’t since friday) at the office and had the License agreement dialog too. Just accepted and am working as usual.

Aha! So I’m not the only one :slight_smile:

same here…

OH I bet I know why …
Daylight savings time falls back :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=226137:@Norman Palardy]OH I bet I know why …
Daylight savings time falls back :P[/quote]

That was a fastious response I take it? since DST falls back one hour, not one YEAR

Trust me I sometimes know what I’m talking about
Has to do with the fact that the time has “changed”

you aren’t. it happened to me too.

Didn’t happen here. Possible differences:

  • 24 hour clock
  • Did not launch on the 1st
  • 10.9

I’m assuming that the people who had this issue left their computers running through the time change last weekend.

Did not have the issue here.

My computer’s been on 24/7 for months, no requests for licensing agreement here…

xojo was left open for weeks, but that stupid help window went stuck white again, so I quit and relaunch yesterday
and got the licence dialog…
24h clock.

[quote=226161:@Bob Coleman]I’m assuming that the people who had this issue left their computers running through the time change last weekend.

Did not have the issue here.[/quote]

Most probably. I never saw that window.

Happened to me too.

Press the option key at launch ?

Didn’t happen to me, perhaps because I’d already abandoned R2 for R3?

I see this once if I start an older Xojo version again, when I’ve used a newer version before.