Xojo IDE crashing: going, going, going… gone!

It is fixed in 13.3
and for what’s worth, the current latest version is macOS 13.3.1 (released a week ago).

Ah, mine went from 13.3 beta to 13.4 without anything in between. :slight_smile:

Yep, probably that is related with the bug pointed by @Ian_Kennedy and that is fixed already for a coming 2023r1.1 release.

It is now available - Xojo 2023 Release 1.1 Now Available

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MacOS 13.4.1 Apple M1 Max - Xojo Version 2023 1.1

I have - rarely - crashes, mostly without a report during ‘cut’ operations. Maybe keeping the IDE open for a long time? Why isn’t there a configurable timer to automate ‘Save’?

Hi @Karl_Grob

Very probably that is related with a problem other than the original from this thread :wink:

For getting a better picture of your issue you may prefer to open a new thread and it would be very helpful if you open a new issue for it providing as many details you can the next time it happens. That would help us a lot.

Thank you so much! :+1:

I cannot open a new issue because there is no report and nobody remembers exactly what was the exact configuration every time he uses ‘Cut’ within the coding process, when this happens once in several days. Thus it is not reproducible → “case closed”.

A timer for “Save” in the Preferences would be a good feature anyway. (Nobody is forced to use it).

There are video recorders which continuously keep the last minute. Have you checked the console and the crash reports? A crash without a crash report is rare.

There is an Austrian Author Nestroy. I quote: “Die Wirklichkeit war schon immer der beste Beweis für die Möglichkeit”. (The reality has always been the best Proof of the possibility.) “Save” is triggered anyway through the coding activity - I just cannot imagine the reason for not using this old fashioned feature.

BTW: If it was only the last minute, there would be no problem. The problem is that I forget to Save if I am concentrated in my work and this can go for an hour. This is my problem, not the one of Xojo, but a triggered “Save” would be helpful. That’s all what I suggest.

As a workaround you could add a BuildScript which applies to Debug Mode and add a


within it.

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I use it as a small script under “windows”. Everytime I run the code for debugging it will save the code automatically.