Join @Geoff_Perlman, myself and others for an end-of-year Xojo Hangout! Come by, say hi and meet the team. Tim Dietrich will be doing a demo, details below!
Xojo Hangout
When: 2022-12-19T19:00:00Z(local time, duration: 40 minutes)
Where: Zoom join here
@Tim_Dietrich has offered to do a demo at the hangout of a technique for injecting code (including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) into Web 2.0 pages. Xojo developers can use this technique to enhance the Web 2.0 framework, and even add custom Web controls without the need for the Web SDK.
Edit: Here’s a blog post Tim published on this topic.
My English is not good enough to participate, and my development level is not high enough neither to understand all, but it was nice to meat the team and other participants.
I will spend my holidays skiing in the Alps with all my family (my daughters, my mother, my sisters and their children).