You will find there:
three projects that demonstrates (here) strange things in drag and drop with Xojo (in stand alone too).
For example:
Canvas do not reject non defined image files and so I get an exception
TextField reject text file drag unless it have the focus, then it gets the /Users// …/… path
ListBox displays correctly the droped folder contents if you drop a folder, but clears the previous contents if you drop an html file (probably a file, one file in general)
If you want the text details, take the zip archive named “Drag and Drop with Xojo -”
All the above were (and still are) working fine if compiled to the deprecated Carbon.
I wrote the examples and the texts because I have these troubles in an old project, so everyone can understand easily the troubles I have with these functions.
Remember: The boot was done on a fresh OS X (10.8.4); only two ‘external’ applications were installed in that boot hard disk (NetBeans 7.3.1 and Xojo 2013r2), I only run Xojo after boot time until I fired TextEdit to make the reports.
No other (older) project was run during the testing time.
I tried everything I could to get a honest debug session (no extra installed in the OS, only Xojo and TextEdit were launched, no fancy peripheral was connected, no Bluetooth keyboard or Mouse, and so on.)