Xojo does not run!

Hello All,

I downloaded and installed Xojo today. I tried to launch it, but after showing loading… no window ever appears. I can see it in the task manager but never a screen. What is wrong?

I also tried rebooting too. Win7 Hm Prem

I’ve seen that occur on Windows if Real Studio is already running.

Hi Paul,

Will try without RS running. But why the diff? Before multiple versions could be used and run at the same time. Is that no longer possible? Also, I sent a msg to customer service several hours ago regarding licenses. Have not heard a whisper back yet. Are they overwhelmed?

[quote=10598:@Tim Seyfarth]Hi Paul,

Will try without RS running. But why the diff? Before multiple versions could be used and run at the same time. Is that no longer possible? [/quote]
I was not aware you could run multiple version at the same time on Windows before Xojo. Regardless, it’s not possible now, although I can’t think of a good reason why. Perhaps that should change.

They very well could be!

This was broken before Xojo somewhere in the 2011/12 cycle. It was marked as fixed in the Beta’s but has reverted to Verified. See <https://xojo.com/issue/23509>.

I got it to run now. It must have been due to RS running already.
Thank you,