Xojo Docs: Scrollbar Mini

@Greg_O_Lone, @William_Yu, @Paul_Lefebvre

The Scrollbar Documentation (https://documentation.xojo.com/api/deprecated/scrollbar.html) has the following note:

The default thickness of the short side is 16 pixels, but it can be changed. You can narrow it in the IDE to get a mini-scrollbar.

I don’t see any difference changing the Scrollbars width/height - so no Mini-Scrollbar.

Am I doing anything wrong? Is this a bug? Working on macOS.

What version of macOS are you working on?

I’m work on macOS 10.15 to macOS 11.0.1

There was a bunch of stuff deprecated for scrollbars the last time I looked. It could be that the size options are no longer available.

Can you please check this out @Greg_O_Lone?

Is there also a possibility under macOS to hide the background of a scrollbar like here?

The scroll bar you are thinking of is the one that’s on a ScrollView. As we don’t have that, no you can’t just “declare” your way to that appearance.

What if I told you that is a Xojo Scrollbar… :slight_smile:

What is?

Well that looks like a crop of Sam’s GUI Cheat Sheet, so Sam’s probably talking about how his implementation is a subclass of Scrollbar.


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