Xojo Desktop background (Updated)

Today I created my Xojo desktop background and use it as background in my Xojo Space.
I used BlackWidow Plain from Delta909 as base on which I added the Xojo logo.

  1. With big “Made with Xojo” logo

  2. With small “Made with Xojo” logo

I personally prefer the small “Made with Xojo” logo.
This background is made for personal use and hope that Xojo don’t mind.

Are there other developers that have a personal Xojo background?

can you share the background image?


Background with big Xojo logo

Background with small Xojo logo

The file size for each is 12.3 MB and the resolution is 2560x1600.

thanks!! my desktop looks much better now.

Thank you.

Pretty nice, thanks for sharing!


Used it on my work computer and will use it at home also

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Nice background.
But I am probably the only not using backgrounds. Just a dark flat mono background colour. :slight_smile:

Nicely done - thank you.

@Dana Brown Now we have desktop backgrounds - how about those mugs?

I’ve made two more backgrounds. :wink:
This time I only used the big/small logo without the text “Made with XOJO”.

I’ve added all the backgrounds in 1 Zip-file (18,1 MB).
Xojo backgrounds


Nice work Paul. Think Dana could use you for making a nice design for the coffee mugs to come.

Coffee mugs? I’m thinking a bit bigger. I present to you … the XoJet!!!

Hope it will not crash.

Xojo rules the Clouds! :smiley:

I noticed that the “Made with Xojo” logo’s weren’t exactly centered. :blush:
When changing from Xojo Logo to “Made with Xojo” logo you see a slight movement of the logo.
It’s corrected now and the zip file contains these corrected backgrounds.

Xojo backgrounds

I have moved the Xojo wallpapers to a new download location.
Xojo backgrounds
(The resolution of the wallpapers is 2560 px??1600 px.)

Very nice. No 3840x2160? :frowning: :wink:

The original wallpaper is 2560x1600 max.
I can try to expand the wallpaper to 3840x2600.
No garanties. :wink: