Xojo DataGrid by BasicApp

I’ll work on it.
I’m currently finishing up the Auto Hide Scrollbars.
And I already have the Auto Dark/Light Mode ready.
If I can tomorrow I’ll publish the new release.

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Nice project but locked code , that would not work forever, we had similar case with a project, developer did not provided source code, we ended up canceling the project and finding other solution so not the best working model when you address this to developers.

We need re-assurance that the code will be supported for long and that we have always a solution in case you are not to be found.


Gabriele could insert a clause in his contract saying something like:

“In case of the developer ceasing contact with the community for more than 6 months, for any reason, like death, extreme sickness, or any kind of project abandonment; Xojo is authorized to break the encryption and open the source of it to the community. Xojo need to try to contact the code owner and wait a return for at least one week without proper feedback before proceeding.”

Something like that. We all die. We must have plans to keep the survivors going on.


Why Xojo? I bet you find a few people on the forum, who have ways to get a copy of the code.
The encryption is only shallow.

Gabriele should license it with source code. Take serious money and offer paid support.
There is a market for this and I bet he can find the first 100 customers easily.


Because it would be legal, naming a representative with proper powers under certain conditions.

He already expressed not wanting to.

RubberViews had an option to sell with source code, some people bought it, but that license didn’t give them the rights to open source it. So when Michel died, RubberViews died with him.

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Commercially I only sell the licenses. But with a good offer everything is sellable, write me privately.

However, consider that I have been working on this component for a long time (for months), and I am still working on improving it. I won’t release the source for a few dollars/euros.

That said, I should have a new release out by today. I’ll update you later.


What, do you mean you don’t like playing find the scrollbar?

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I just fixed some bugs and requested things…
The new release is ready and downloadable from Xojo DataGrid - BasicApp

Ver. 1.11
Added Methods:

  • AutoDarkLightMode - To auto change all grid colors with O.S. theme color

Added Properties:

  • AutoHideScrollbars - Set if scrolbars auto hide when mouse is not over
  • ColorProgressbar - To set the progress bar color
  • ColorProgressbarBorder - To set the progress border color

Added Events:

  • DarkLightModeChanged - Fires after AutoDarkLightMode method is called, after changed all colors.

Fixed Properties:

  • BaDataGridColumn.ColorProgressbar - Before was ProgressColorBar
  • BaDataGridColumn.ColorProgressbarBorder - Before was ProgressColorBorder
  • BaDataGridColumn.ColorLink - Before was LinkColor
  • BaDataGridColumn.ColorLinkAlt - Before was LinkColorAlt
  • BaDataGridColumn.ColorLinkSelected - Before was LinkColorSelected

Fixed Events:

  • FooterCellBackgroundPaint - fixed object name picFooter, instead of picHeader
  • FooterCellPaint - fixed object name picFooter, instead of picHeader

Other fixed:

  • The scrollbar cursors size is now proportional to the data in the grid.
  • Fixed sorting issue when SQL query was limited to N records

Why should one have to? If there’s no scrollbar, my expectation is that what one can see is all there is. Having a scrollbar appear if you happen by chance to mouse over the item, and thus discover that there’s actually a lot more to see, is, IMO, very bad UI. Not intuitive at all. Just as bad as buttons that don’t look consistently like buttons, and which in some cases are and some cases are not buttons. It’s a pile of that small icon that @Ian_Kennedy showed in another post, another thread.

There’s various other things I despise about the so-called modern UI, but I won’t bore you with those.


It’s looking great, Gabriele.

Thank you for also including the ability to scroll slowly, 1 row at a time.

I was not referring to your grid. In windows, in general, many applications hide the scroll bar when you are not scrolling, I have trouble finding and catching it.

Dark mode:

Light mode:

Dark mode with auto hide scrollbars:

Light mode with auto hide scrollbars:


This is the launch price valid until the end of 2024. In 2025 the prices will be higher.

Right, but when Michel died people that had purchased the source code still had it and could, theoretically, update and maintain it in their own projects. I purchased source for this very reason. I knew it would be way more expensive and I was okay with that - I had been burned with suppliers of encrypted code leaving the market without notice.

Honestly, I found selling the source code for my own products way easier because people would often ask (with encrypted code), ‘what does this function do?’ or ‘why does it bring back this value?’ or any number of questions that were super simple with source but not when it was encrypted.

Could someone just copy and sell it? Sure, I suppose, but those sorts of things eventually get found out.


You are replying the wrong person. The person wanting it closed source is Gabriele. And without a safe clause in the license, in case of him vanishing for any reason, his work will be lost as RubberViews was.

That auto-hide scroll bar is about twice as wide as it should be on macOS.

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Hi @Greg_O , you can choose the scrollbar size, the scrollbar padding, the scrollbar rounded, ecc.

Read the guide:
ScrollbarsSize, ScrollbarsPadding, ScrollbarsRounded

I have already said that I am already open to this option and whoever wants can write to me privately. Obviously the price of the source code is not the same as the license, but much higher.

In the Xojo culture, people don’t hide the price of “with source”. The “with source” price is listed, as you did not list it, I assumed it didn’t exist.


The community could figure out more natural values for those parameters for macOS and suggest a change of the default values for #If TargetMacOS …