Xojo.Data.ParseJSON confusion

Hello Guys,

It seems that this JSON parsing is quite Confusing in a way and hard to get it properly .

I have a JSON coming from an API and it has few parts that I need to get and its confusing here as once I use the ParseJSON I get an array with I element and inside that element I have 6 entries and some of them are as well Dictionaries so how do I reach to the final point ? and having arrays of dictionaries in the values is confusing for me, do I have to take each key and scan the value ?

Here is a sample of the structure :

[ { "id": { "name": "test", "version": "1.1.1" }, "label": "Demo Label", "description": "Demo Desc", "functionalConfiguration": { "documentType": "test", "lifespan": "tt", "canModifySender": true, "canModifyRecipients": false, "canModifyAttachments": false, "containsRecipients": true, "supportsDataSet": false, "supportsExport": true, "supportedDataSets": [ "application/JSON" ], "authenticData": [] }, "fixedRecipient": { "identifier": "A", "quality": "B", "name": "A" }, "exportConfiguration": { "documentFormats": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "defaultDocumentFormat": "1", "availableFormats": [ "50", "60", "70", "80", "90", "100", "111", "112" ] } } ]

Thanks In advance.

At its outermost layer, that JSON describes an array with one element, a Dictionary with six keys, so Xojo is returning the value exactly as it should.

dim arr() as auto = Xojo.Data.ParseJSON( jsonText )
dim mainDict as Xojo.Core.Dictionary = arr( 0 )

dim label as text = mainDict.Value( "label" )
dim exportConfig as Xojo.Core.Dictionary = mainDict.Value( "exportConfiguration" )
// etc

Note: The Dictionary returned by ParseJSON is case-sensitive.

[quote=374733:@Kem Tekinay]At its outermost layer, that JSON describes an array with one element, a Dictionary with six keys, so Xojo is returning the value exactly as it should.

dim arr() as auto = Xojo.Data.ParseJSON( jsonText )
dim mainDict as Xojo.Core.Dictionary = arr( 0 )

dim label as text = mainDict.Value( "label" )
dim exportConfig as Xojo.Core.Dictionary = mainDict.Value( "exportConfiguration" )
// etc

Note: The Dictionary returned by ParseJSON is case-sensitive.[/quote]
Hi Kem, thanks for the tips, I did started to work with Introspection and to get the Get Type of each Value to know if I have to switch to levels and it works so far but I get an issue . it seems that Xojo.Core.Dictionary.HasKey does not work or at least not here.

I put brake points to see the data , I put a test for example :

 [code] Dim L1Dict As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
  L1Dict = entry.Value
  If L1Dict.HasKey("id") Then
    Dim idDict As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
    idDict = L1Dict.Value("id")
    gfcDataHolder.idName = idDict.Value("name")
    gfcDataHolder.idVersion = idDict.Value("version")
  End If[/code]

where L1Dict is the main dictionary in my case and I see in the Variables that the Key is “id” but on the logics it skips If L1Dict.HasKey("id") Then as it was false, and same thing with all the values.

Any idea why and if this is a bug or something ?

Thanks .

So far this is the Sample Code :

[code]Dim json As Auto
Dim jsonArray() As Auto
Dim contentC() As Auto
Dim dict As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
gfcDataHolder = New GFC

json = Xojo.Data.ParseJSON(App.SampleJSON)

jsonArray = json

dict = jsonArray(0)

For Each entry As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In dict

Dim RecordKey As String
Dim RecordValue As String
Dim info As Xojo.Introspection.TypeInfo

info = Xojo.Introspection.GetType(entry.Value)

If info.Name = "Text" Then
  Select Case entry.Key
  Case "label"
    gfcDataHolder.label = entry.Value
  Case "description"
    gfcDataHolder.description = entry.Value
  End Select
Elseif info.Name = "Dictionary" Then
  Dim subm As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
  subm = entry.Value
  RecordKey = entry.Key
  RecordValue = "Is A Dictionary"
  Dim L1Dict As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
  L1Dict = entry.Value
  If L1Dict.HasKey("id") Then
    Dim idDict As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
    idDict = L1Dict.Value("id")
    gfcDataHolder.idName = idDict.Value("name")
    gfcDataHolder.idVersion = idDict.Value("version")
  End If
  If L1Dict.HasKey("functionalConfiguration") Then
    Dim fcDict As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
    fcDict = L1Dict.Value("functionalConfiguration")
    gfcDataHolder.fcDocumentType = fcDict.Value("documentType")
    gfcDataHolder.fcLifespan = fcDict.Value("lifespan")
    gfcDataHolder.fcCanModifySender = fcDict.Value("canModifySender")
    gfcDataHolder.fcCanModifyRecipients = fcDict.Value("canModifyRecipients")
    gfcDataHolder.fcCanModifyAttachments = fcDict.Value("canModifyAttachments")
  End If
  If L1Dict.HasKey("fixedRecipient") Then
    Dim frDict As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
    frDict = L1Dict.Value("fixedRecipient")
    gfcDataHolder.frIdentifier = frDict.Value("identifier")
    gfcDataHolder.frQuality = frDict.Value("quality")
    gfcDataHolder.frName = frDict.Value("name")
  End If
End If



End Try[/code]

I see under RecordKey = entry.Key the keys but on the HasKey Checking it always skips the code like its false even if its same name .

Super weird.

Got it , thanks for help, L1Dict is useless there
once recoded all works .


You can also do something like if info = GetTypeInfo( Text ) then .... That might be faster and is certainly future-proof if Xojo, for instance, changes the “Text” type to “Unicode”. (They wouldn’t, this is for illustration only.)