Xojo crashes when loading web app binary file

I just spent most of a day adding a new feature to an app. Compiled, saved, tested. Everything appeared to work OK. Tried to load the app again and Xojo crashes. A new file is in the folder with the source code - v4rb_log_main.txt. The contents are

V4RB: PluginEntry()
V4RB: DisableRBDB file IS NOT found. Enabling RBDB.

I have tried loading it with several versions of Xojo going back about a year. Not all installs have the same plugins. When I tried to load it into Arbed, I got this error message

There were errors loading NewEZServer306.xojo_project:

Exception when loading C:\Users\Dean\OneDrive - Ez Meter Technologies\Documents\Xojo Projects Active\Projects Latest Vers\EZMeter\EZServer\NewEZServer306.xojo_project

Runtime ([Name: , ID: 0] Unknown vcp key: Arch = 0) {Exceptions.Assert%%bss; RB_VCP_Config.RB_Error%%s; RBBaseItem.RB_Error%%os; RBBaseItem.addUnknownVCPPair%%oosv; RBBaseItem.addUnknownVCPItem%%oos; RBIDEScriptBuildStep.Constructor%%ooA1s; RBBuildAutomationItem.parseVCPLines%b%ooA1s&i4; RBBuildAutomationItem.parseVCPLines%b%ooA1s&i4; RBBuildAutomationItem.ReadFileFromVCP%b%ooo; RBProjectItem.ReadVCPFile%b%ooo; RBProject.ReadVCPProject%b%oooobo; RBDocument.LoadProjectFromFile%b%oobob; RBPrjVCPFileReader.OpenProjectFile%b%oooo&s; RBPrjFileReader.OpenProjectFile%b%oooo&s; RBPrjSupport.LoadNewPrjItemsTree%b%o&o&sobbb; RBPrjSupport.LoadNewPrjItemsTreeShowingProgressAndErrors%b%oo&obbb; HL.GetTree%o<HL.AProject>%oobb; RBPrjHLWin.RBPrjHLWin.!ShowProject%o<RBPrjHLWin.RBPrjHLWin>%o; MainWin.MainWin.handleEditorDrop%%o<MainWin.MainWin>v; Delegate.IM_Invoke%%v; Deferrer.DeferTimer.Event_Action%%o<Deferrer.DeferTimer>; Delegate.Invoke%%; Application._CallFunctionWithExceptionHandling%%op; REALbasic._RuntimeRun; _Main; main; }

Any help figuring out how to fix this will be greatly appreciated.

And if you move the project out of your OneDrive directory then attempt to compile?

This may also be relevant if you’re using Valentina.

Anthony G. Cyphers

And if you move the project out of your OneDrive directory then attempt to compile?

I copied it to a new folder on my C drive and got the same response with the txt file. Arbed was also the same.

Looks like your file contains something “very unknown” (for your version of Xojo?) or your file is just corrupted.

Xojo could take a look, I guess missing plugins wouldn’t stop them of opening a good file, just it would be unusable and not compile.

I once had exactly the same issue. In my case the file was damaged (badly written with last save).
Had to revert to the previous version.

Hey, I missed that one. If you are opening, working, and saving directly on some “shared drive” that’s the usual culprit. Clearly it is now damaged. Recover the last backup, move your working things out of those places. Move COPIES to the shared places only when sharing/backuping things, not for working on a “live” mode there. File contents may get out of sync “live” (specially large files) damaging those files. That differs from a “copy a file over there” where the old content is entirely discarded and a full resync of the new content starts. And if the other side could get a copy, moved it to some place, tried to open, and it is broken…, just wait a bit, and get a copy again from the shared place, probably the resync is just not yet fully done. I usually put things zipped there so I can see when something breaks (bad CRC in specific files).