Xojo.Core.Timer Crash on 10.7 & 10.8

I removed GlueKitTimer from GlueKit because Xojo.Core.Timer was added to desktop. However it hard crashes the app on OS X 10.7 & 10.8.

Feedback <https://xojo.com/issue/38808>

[quote=178103:@Phillip Zedalis]I removed GlueKitTimer from GlueKit because Xojo.Core.Timer was added to desktop. However it hard crashes the app on OS X 10.7 & 10.8.

Feedback <https://xojo.com/issue/38808>[/quote]

But you do not need to use Xojo.Core.Timer on desktop if it crashes. Timer should be available for years to come.

You could even have a conditional execution to avoid Xojo.Core.Timer under 10.8 and below.

[quote=178122:@Michel Bujardet]But you do not need to use Xojo.Core.Timer on desktop if it crashes. Timer should be available for years to come.

You could even have a conditional execution to avoid Xojo.Core.Timer under 10.8 and below.[/quote]
It still shouldn’t crash ;p I find that I have been using CallLater quite frequently in iOS and probably soon in desktop.

[quote=178122:@Michel Bujardet]But you do not need to use Xojo.Core.Timer on desktop if it crashes. Timer should be available for years to come.

You could even have a conditional execution to avoid Xojo.Core.Timer under 10.8 and below.[/quote]

Not exactly true. I have several projects with shared business logic. Think a desktop app and an iOS app. I use GlueKitTimer which automatically uses old Timer on Desktop, and new timer on iOS. Then in my business logic I only need to use GlueKitTimer and not care where I am. With Xojo.Core.Timer being added I should no longer need GlueKitTimer.

I never said it should crash. I do hope that gets fixed soon.

Well, looks like you will need GlueKit for a bit longer, then, but Xojo.Core.Timer will indeed be great to have if it works on all supported versions.

GlueKit uses the same exact API. When Xojo delivers new framework classes on to the Desktop/Web you can just swap out GlueKit for the real thing. It’s been a time saver when working with large iOS/Desktop apps. https://github.com/1701software/GlueKit