Xojo compiled apps crash on OSX10.10.3 DP and PB
The odd thing is, it sometimes does not crash immediately, even if you do the same things in the same order.
Xojo compiled apps crash on OSX10.10.3 DP and PB
The odd thing is, it sometimes does not crash immediately, even if you do the same things in the same order.
[quote=172497:@Christoph De Vocht]Xojo compiled apps crash on OSX10.10.3 DP and PB
The odd thing is, it sometimes does not crash immediately, even if you do the same things in the same order.[/quote]
Today i released my very first Mac App in the Store and i compiled using Xojo 2015 R1. I hope i will not get hit by this one
We are in for a rocky road. I recently had to pull an app from the MAS ; an idiot posted that :
Just bought, was going well, now the darn thing keeps crashing!!!!
Of course there is no crash report to be seen in iTunes Connect, and instead of contacting me, he preferred posting this ridiculous piece of you know what.
That was before 10.10.3. Now that this “public beta” is out, how many irresponsible individuals will damage our apps ? And worse, how are we going to find out what is going on and how to work around it ?
Do we already know if this is happening with specific Xojo releases only?
Is 2015 R1 also affected and is EVERY build App affected?
Can’t open this Case
Just bought my own App from the App Store which was build with 2015 R1.
It does NOT crash
[quote=172536:@Sascha S]Just bought my own App from the App Store which was build with 2015 R1.
It does NOT crash :)[/quote]
On 10.10.3?
Since there is no Xojo beta at the moment, should this conversation be moved to public view?
I did put it here in the beta because OSX10.10.3 is beta too?
I also updated the feedback case:
When I compile my apps in OSX10.10.3 PB (with Xojo 2015r1) they do seem to work fine. Didn’t had any crashes anymore.
Now isn’t that weird?
At first I thought it is just ‘luck’. But I again compiled several of my apps in OSX10.10.2 (with RB2015r1) and those always crashes in OSX10.10.3 BP (but they do work fine in OSX10.10.2)
Doing the same (compiling with Xojo in OSX10.10.3 BP) and they work both on OSX10.10.2 and OSX10.10.3 BP !!
Christoph De Vocht Today at 14:44
OK, this is consistent:
Compiling with Xojo 2015r1 in OSX10.10.2 -> results in apps that crashes when run in OSX10.10.3 BP - but they run fine in OSX10.10.2
Compiling with Xojo 2015r1 in OSX10.10.3 -> results in apps that work fine in OSX10.10.3 BP and OSX10.10.2
Any reason why this happens?
Moved to OS X channel.
Twin post here, @Paul Lefebvre maybe you want to move it too…