Xojo binding for VLC

libvlc is the open-source multimedia library that powers VLC Media Player. RB-libvlc is libvlc binding for Realbasic and Xojo (“classic” framework) projects.


Thanks for sharing. What does it mean classic frameworks? Would this work for raspi desktop?

“Classic” means that it only uses the framework that is compatible with Realstudio. No API2, etc.

It may or may not work on Raspi without modification. I suspect at least some minor adjustments would be needed.

@Andrew_Lambert Thanks, happy to try. Just getting it to work on regular x64 Linux Debian for now. It seems to work great out of the box, can change image settings etc, except instead of opening the media in the player, it plays it in a new window. Any thoughts on why it’s doing this?

This is a longstanding issue for (lib)vlc (see, e.g., this Google search). libvlc is acting as if we didn’t embed output in our own window, even though we have.

I’ve found this problem to be more common on Linux. There’s no silver bullet that I know of to fix it, but some people suggest checking the VLC (app) settings on your system to see if something like “video embedding” got disabled.

Thanks, I did some digging with the EmbedWIthin stuff. All looks good. I tried setting the parent as window. Same result. I’ll open a case on the github so I can post any fixes I find.

No API2? :pleading_face:

Is there a reason that it won’t be possible to get it working on the newer API?

Moving to support later editions of the IDE/framework will necessarily break backwards compatibility with older editions, such as the ancient RealStudio 2011 that I still mainly use.


So it’s not working with new versions of xojo at all? I try to get it work for hours now…
I get this error no matter what I do (i added the DLLs, even a build step):

If Not libvlc.IsAvailable Then
Dim err As New PlatformNotSupportedException
err.Message = “libvlc is not available.”
’ We can’t find the libvlc binary or one of its dependencies. Verify that all neccesary dll/solib/dylib
’ files are located in the expected directory for your environment. The easiest way to avoid this problem
’ is to add a build step to your project that copies the necessary files automatically.
’ See: http://docs.xojo.com/UserGuide:Build_Automation#Copy_Files
Raise err
End If