Xojo Android Survey

There are always users who want to get more out of their apps. You can do many things in Xojo with Declares or plugins from external providers.

With Android we have a new supported platform in Xojo and I wonder what controls and features users need and want in addition to the built-in ones to realize their desired app idea in Xojo? I’m curious to know what you need for your Android app.

Plugins Add-Ons

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Some kind of listbox control

That sounds interesting. Can you explain in a little more detail what exactly you have in mind? What are you looking for?

Not a Xojo Android developer yet, but I’m seeing a AndroidMobileTable in the Library.

Is there something else you need @Mariano_Poli?

Tables are only a one column control. It would be very usefull for me to have a multicolumn control

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Should the “Listbox” only display texts in cells or also other things? Do you need Events? If so, which ones?

Ah makes sense and I would agree with you. I too would need multi-columns or something akin to the MobileTableCustomCell from the iOSMobileTable.

To your question @Martin_T, one of the big roadblocks for me is the lack of UDPSocket support within the Xojo Android target.

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Not only text… pictures could be nice.
Events: at least the basic ones: cellclick that let determine which column and row is clicked


Not sure about the listbox control; for me MobilePopupMenu does everything I would expect for this sort of control.
I would like to see a multi-column table view however.
I would also like to see better control of text size within fields and labels however - ideally combined with a textwidth property like we used to have in VB (not sure if it was called this but basically you could check how much room a word or phrase took up for the current font and size and was useful for resizing fields and labels)
It would also be nice if we could use the Android display scale values to alter the screen scale to fit the design, or at least check the current scaling to make it easier to adapt.
I would also like to see some better support for the built-in splash screen in newer Android versions.

Admittedly I haven’t looked to see if it is now possible, but push notifications was a must for me recently and that was called out as not available.


Tables are only a one column control. It would be very usefull for me to have a multicolumn control

@Mariano_Poli - How many lines do you want to display? Just a few or several thousand, for example from an SQL query?

It would also be nice if we could use the Android display scale values to alter the screen scale to fit the design, or at least check the current scaling to make it easier to adapt.

@Kevin_Millican - Have you looked at the Android Design Extensions? There is an extension property for MobileApplication that gives you exactly the value you are asking for: ScaleFactorXC. In this case, it also makes sense to take a closer look at the upcoming Xojo 2024r4 release :wink:.

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I do use the Android Design Extensions, but I must have missed that one.
Will have a look thanks :+1:

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As many mobile apps that need to receive information from a server, information is paginated in order to do not have to transfer lot of information on each request. So for my actual needs just a few lines will be enough.

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Good question - before adding new features to Android I’d love to see to have the same control-types for iOS and Android. And where there are typical differences in iOS and Android an XOJO example with a workaround.
This would help a lot to simplify work :slight_smile:


I’d certainly upvote this one. I’m currently porting an Android App to iOS and already wishing that I’d created additional methods and classes so that I coud do the same for iOS, and then refer to the same ones in both.


Bluetooth. We had to use Delphi instead of Xojo for our last two projects because we need Bluetooth.

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NFC also.


These features would really be appreciated:

  1. Push Notification
  2. Bluetooth
  3. NFC

If it is not possible to have all, please provide (1) Push Notification. :pray:

kind regards


I would like Android Canvas to have 1 to 1 functionality with desktop canvas. Then most controls you could just make yourself if they are not implemented.
I also would like more control over app colors and themes in general.