Issues 60032, 66056
Printing on Mac, there is an offset between GraphicsPath and other graphics functions, such as DrawLine(), DrawText(), DrawPicture().
The main issue is that the easy, but annoying, fix to add the bottom and left margins to all DrawPath and FillPath calls does not work when the current printer is set to “Generic”.
I lost countless hours trying to find a viable workaround and replying to angry customers. I had to manually parse the PrintSetup plist returned from NSPrinter (using MBS) to find a variable that would indicate when the current printer is generic and apply the offsets accordingly.
Issue 63658
graphicspath.addarc - clockwise boolean and angle incorrect.
It seems that the cw/ccw parameter is inverted, so instead of drawing 1/4 of circle in the IV sector, it draws 3/4 of circle. This too made me lose time trying to understand the logic behind the AddArc() function.
Another issue I did not report, on the Mac:
var oval As New GraphicsPath
// If I pass True for the clockwise param in AddArc, the circle is not drawn
// it only works if clockwise = false
// Works fine on Windows
oval.AddArc(Ax, Ay, radius, 0.0, kPI*2, false)
g.DrawPath(oval, true)
A very important missing feature 70926 is the ability to add sub-paths to open holes inside a path. I actually requested this years ago, but my request was closed as “implemented” when the ClipToPath() function was added. Clearly the engineers did not understand my request.
Regarding 3D, no, sorry, an html viewer to render a model would not work at all. I need to access the scene, perform HitTest to highlight and select items, show real-time info boxes on the selected items, track pointer movement. I need Metal and Direct3D, or something at that level.
I am currently developing the 3D I need using MBS SceneKit on the Mac, which is fine for the moment (and thank God for Christian and Björn), but obviously it is Mac only. I need a cross-platform, professional solution that will give me access to the technologies that my pro customers rightly expect in 2023.