Xojo 2024r4: DesktopChart raising UnhandledException in Doughnut Form

I do not currently have a access to a pre-2024r4 installation.
Can someone please verify if https://tracker.xojo.com/xojoinc/xojo/-/issues/78060 is a new issue?

  1. Open “Chart” from the Xojo Examples
  2. In the “UEBudgetChart.Opening” Event, replace in Line 4 “Me.Mode = DesktopChart.Modes.Pie” with “Me.Mode = DesktopChart.Modes.Doughnut
  3. Start the Debugger
  4. In the App, select the “UE Budget Payments 2022” Panel
  5. Move the Mouse Cursor towards the center of the Doughnut
  6. CRASH!

Thank you :slight_smile:

Good catch @Sascha_S

Thank you for reporting it (and sorry for the inconvenience)! A fix its on his way. :+1:

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Glad if I could help :blush:

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…and fixed.

Sorry again, guys!

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