Xojo 2024R3.1: WebListBox.UpdateBrowser - can this be used with DataSource and how to use it properly?

I don’t know where to get the answer for my question, hence this posting.
Perhaps someone can help me understand if UpdateBrowser method can be used with WebListBox using DataSource class.

If so, can someone be so kind to post an example for educational purposes?
The online help is useless in this respect

From the documentation:

I don’t see how that will be used with DataSource.

I’m sorry I don’t know more. I don’t think we use UpdateBrowser at work and personally, I don’t use it.

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What are you trying to do? If you want to reload the data shown in the browser to match an updated DataSource, you can use WebListBox.ReloadData.


Well, I have the method that updates label showing count and number of selected rows, this method is called after ReloadData and also from SelectionChanged event.
I have noticed that SelectedRowCount is not reliable upon subsequent ReloadData, I thought that maybe UpdateBrowser will help, obviously it made no difference.

So I have decided to ask to see if UpdateBrowser makes any sense with WebListBox using DataSource. You see, the problem is that there are many methods mentioned in online help for the WebListBox but it is hard to tell which one can be used with DataSource. It would be nice to have online help clarify this.

I believe I will stay away from UpdateBrowser method. Thanks for your attention.