Building for Linux is now included in the free IDE
This is fantastic, literally opens up the possibility of a larger Xojo Linux community and much better open source accessibility where open source is focused. I am assuming this is just the binary building, not the version control format? Either way GREAT! EDIT:
Open source Xojo on Linux is 100% enabled, so exciting!!
Saving as version control is now allowed when running on Linux, or with any license including Mac/Windows lite.
Lite licenses can now save in Version Control format
Once again this makes it so much easier for people with open source projects to get contributors, the price barrier to entry is now very attainable to people essentially working for free or donations. AWESOME!
Side Note
Plugins can now include external shared library dependencies
This seems nice for plugin makers
After reading the text a couple of times, I think that as long as you run Xojo on Linux, you will have the option to save in text format. If you run the IDE without license on Mac/Windows, only binary option is available. (Don’t have Linux available to test)
You can build for Linux with free IDE on all 3.
Note: I may be wrong. Maybe someone at Xojo can confirm/correct me?
I’m happy to clarify, but it sounds like you got it right. What once required a Linux Lite license (building for Intel Linux) is now included for free. You will be able to build Linux Desktop/Console apps (ARM or- now- Intel) from any platform. Saving as version control is now allowed when running on Linux, or with any license including Mac/Windows lite.
This is great news! Thank you @Alyssa_Foley for the clarification.
May I suggest that the Xojo: Store page have something added about the above Linux building details and that you must run Xojo on Linux to enable saving in the version control format? It’s really confusing not to see Linux listed anywhere on the page as an option for where to run the Xojo IDE on.
I agree with others here - this will be huge for Xojo Open Source Projects on Linux, but for those new to Xojo they may see the “Buy” link on and not realize that it’s free for Linux…
I had to come here to find this detail … I develop a Linux app (for RPi) on my Mac but it wasn’t clear to me why it wasn’t allowing to save in version control format even when the Build Setting was set only to Linux (when running on MacOS).
I can easily run Xojo on my x86 Linux PC, but I’d rather not have to do that since my main computer is a Mac with an Apple Silicon processor where I could run a VM - but there’s no ARM64 Linux Xojo IDE … right?
Yeah I agree, one could look at the buy a license screen on the lite license and think that Xojo actually dropped support for Linux since it is not in the drop down. Which would be pretty tragic.