Xojo 2024r1 does not present a Project…

Project kind: binary

I am working on a project (with Xojo 2021r2.1)and have troubles. So, I duplicated it in the Finder, load it, remove some parts unrelated to where troubles goes.

Then, I fired 2024r1, in the New window, that project (open in the other version, and saved minutes ago) does not appeared.

This is not the first time, but previous time I think I’ve made an error and Open it (after working on the wrong version a bit of time).

Is it just me or is it the beginning of senility ? :wink:

Do you close 2021r2.1 after the Save?

Do you then drop the icon of the saved project onto 2024r1? If not, how do you open the project in 2024r1?

No !!! Iwanted to be sure about a feature, then close 2024r1.

No. With the Open button (in 2024r4.1). Or with File → Open and it opens and run fine.

Not sure what triggers the open/close of a project to show on the list but I also see that sometimes a recent project is not on the list.

You have to actually save it for it to appear in the list.

Thanks Greg.
I guess that is what is missing as I don’t save all projects that I open.
Do you know if other programs need saving to show on recent list?
I expected that opening a project was enough.

Xojo makes the assumption that if it didn’t save the file, then it doesn’t exist on disk.

Yes, this makes sense.

BUT, I saved it ! I wanted to watch how goes the changes in the last IDE (and fall onto my 'i was working here" sentence; that is why I really know what happened).

Yeah, it looks like this isn’t saved until the IDE actually closes. It’s a preference, so it doesn’t get updated for every little user action.

I may be misinterpreting things, but I find newly opened and/or saved projects in the IDE are not saved to the recent entries until the IDE is closed.

So if you have more than one version of Xojo installed and open at the same time - in most cases, the last Xojo version closed appears to overwrite the recent list of projects (which is shared across all installed versions).

Which means, sometimes when you open Xojo - a project you previously worked on will be missing from the “Recent Project” list.

It’s a little annoying, but usually not a big deal. To me, anyway.

happens to me a lot.
I work with project files ending 03 /04 / 05 etc as I go along.

More than once I have opened ‘the project with the biggest number’ from the Recent Files list to continue working, only to realise that a fix I remembered making didn’t exist in the project on screen.

That is what I get too.

I would recommend incorporating version-control of some kind, like https://github.com A free account these days allows private repos and their git client is also free GitHub Desktop

But, that aside… maybe someone needs to built a Xojo project launcher that somehow keeps track of all the projects you open and from which IDE version? So there is a recent project file list that is independent of the Xojo managed list. Just a thought…

While I am here, I run several versions of Xojo.
I wish they all have separate recent files - I use one for iOS, and another for Desktop
If I haven’t done any iOS work for a few weeks, there is no sign of those projects in the list.
Or even ‘recent iOS / recent Web/ recent Android/ recent Console’ split…


FYI, there’s a report for this: https://tracker.xojo.com/xojoinc/xojo/-/issues/33713