Xojo 2023r4: how to add search field to webtoolbar

I am working on Web App conversion from Xojo2018 to Xojo2023.
In the original app the WebToolbarContainer was used to add search field onto the toolbar of the web page. The document note in the Xojo2023 online help states that this item was deprecated in version 2020r2 and there is no replacement.

My question: how do I implement search field on the webtoolbar of the webpage in Xojo2023?

Please help, thanks.

I don’t think anything has changed since November:

You can create a Feature Request on Issues if there is non yet.

Edit: created the feature request here:
#75278 - Please add WebSearchField as an option to be added to WebToolbar


you have to make your own websdk for that
or may be graffiti suite implement it ? anyway it’s a websdk !

I just went to issues and found this:

Please add WebSearchField as an option to be added to WebToolbar

#75278 · created 28 minutes ago by Alberto DePoo

This is exactly what I need.