Xojo 2023 R3 Windows 10 Cannot use Delete Key?

Hello all,

For some reason, I cannot use the Delete key when working with the IDE. All previous versions did work fine in this respect.

Am I missing something??

I donā€™t have anything nice to say about the history behind this change, so Iā€™ll just leave the ticket where an actual Windows user on staff noticed how dumb it was: #74461 - Windows IDE: the default shortcut key for Delete is mapped to Ctrl+Bksp which makes little sense


Yes, it really is. Too many assumptions and not enough testingā€¦

Happens to the best as well:
To celebrate my lost youth where I had been roleplaying D&D each weekend, I had to buy a copy of Baldurā€™s Gate 3 recently. And was angry about the game quitting regularly and unexpectedly on my MacBook M1. Until I realised ā€œQā€ for camera rotation does not go along very well with CMD for highlighting valuable items. :partying_face:


On the Mac I now do cmd-bksp to delete anything other than text. This is a good thing. Too often I thought I was deleting text, only to find Iā€™d deleted a whole control or class because focus wasnā€™t where I thought it was. Further, this sometimes took a little while to become apparent, requiring careful undo to restore the status quo ante.

Needing to qualify delete is a good thing.

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Glad to see this thread and that itā€™s not just me. I recently created a whole bunch of keyboard macros and thought I had broken something.

On Mac I understand the modifier key since itā€™s the same as backspace and can do something completely unintended depending on which control has focus.

On Windows itā€™s separated from the main keyboard layout so itā€™s less likely to be pressed accidentally.

Not on my Apple keybaord. Thereā€™s the backspace key, above the Return key, which deletes to the left and now needs to modifier to delete such as a control. Then thereā€™s the Delete key, which does forward delete, over with Home and End, above the arrow keys.

And even on a small keyboard, function+backspace produces the delete key; theyā€™re still 2 distinct ā€œcharactersā€.

The bindings are wrong and asked to be fixed.

The delete key doesnā€™t work in the code editor

If you search for delete key, you see plenty of other people complaining.

Whether it is backspace or delete key, I expect the IDE to handle the key directly and delete the selected item without me needing to assign a key to do this.


Personally Iā€™m quite happy with now it now works:

  1. bksp - deletes text to the left.
  2. cmd-bksp - deletes selected control
  3. delete - deletes text to the right

Iā€™m in the camp that

ā€˜backspace or delete should delete whatever I have selectedā€™,
whether that is text or a control.

And if the cursor is in a text field without any actual selection,

backspace goes <<<< thataway,
while delete eats characters on >>>> that side of the cursor


+1 :+1:

Ah, Iā€™m in the opposite camp then. But I would not object to a preference for this. It seems that Delete only affects text, does nothing about removing controls. Since I never tried to use it for that until yesterday (experimenting in the context of this thread), I wss unaware that it didnā€™t. However, I wouldnā€™t object if it did, provided again it was subject to a modifier under a preference.

Edit: part of the issue here is that having selected something in the navigator, it seems itā€™s not possible to unselect it. Oh wait - I see that cmd-click unselects it. Well - how about them apples?

For some reason the forum software will only let me click the heart (like) once, it wonā€™t let me click it AND count it the 50 or 60 times I want to it to.

Tim, I am also in the camp that delete on Windows should work the way Windows users expect.

Now, it is an annoyance that can be fixed (and re-fixed with every new install of Xojoā€¦)

1- Go to the Edit/options menu
2- click on ā€œEdit Menu Shortcutsā€

3- Expand the ā€œEditā€ section

4- On the Delete line, click on ā€œBckspā€, hit the ā€œDeleteā€ key and unselect ā€œCtrlā€ on the same line

5- Click on Apply

Now, Delete works as expected on Windows.

Hope this helps. LD.

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Errm, Iā€™m not on WIndows.

A clear reminder that one should never assumeā€¦ Still, you can have the Delete key work the way you prefer, regardless of the OS. :wink:

Thanks Louis D.

That will provide a work around for the moment.
