Xojo 2023 r2 - Web App Screen problems

Feedback Case Number:
I just installed the latest release 2023r2 and opened my WEB application in Linux Mint 21.
It’s a disaster. All buttons and captions are not displayed properly. The upper components of the library are not accessible.
I did the same on an other VM running Ubunut 22.04 and got the same display problems in the IDE.
When I compile the app the result in the Web-Browser is shown properly.
And when I open a Desktop App in the same Linux Distributions the Forms are shown properly in the IDE.
I cross all fingers and toes that I’m not the only guy having this problem with WEB apps in the Linux IDE and you can fix it asap.
brgds. alex. from the Black forest.

Did you create a report in xojo.com/issues ?

You may want to participate as a pre-release tester, so you can help find problems like this early in the release cycle. Most likely a fix will be included until R3 is released.

As I don’t have a Linux installation I can’t help here.

Alex - I can confirm the Web display issues on Debian 12 XFCE and Pop-OS! (22.04), so you are not alone. Additionally, resizing the webbuttons can cause my IDE to close (crash).

  • Brad

Hey Alberto,
I frequently use Xojo for WebServer development for Raspberry.
I can test the Xojo-Web as a pre-release tester.
I’m pleased to do so.
brgds. alex.

Can you please check if libwebkit2gtk is installed @Alex_Schickel?

At least on Debian 11 the package is called libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37

Hey Ricardo,
I checked on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS using
$ apt search libwebkit*

and I get the message that the libwebkit2gtk.4.0-37 is [installed]

Thank you Alex, I’ll download Ubuntu 22.04 LTS & Mint 21 and try it there. In the meantime, just to confirm, are you using any custom Bootstrap theme in your web project?

I do not use Bootstrap themes.
Even if you create a new Web App Projekt the IDE itself does not work properly.
E.g. I can not switch to small icons with caption ( can not switch the icons at all).
I can not select an visual Object in the library…
I works fine in the 2023r1.1 release.

Thank you again @Alex_Schickel, I’ve created this issue for the Library issue. I’m still checking the other comment about the controls not being previewed correctly:

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Keen on 2023r3 I installed on Ubuntu 22.04LTS and Mint 21.2 …
Frustrating!!! the controls now work fine but when I place a control (e.g. button) on a window it disappears to a minimum height. I can not open my old Web-application with 2023r3. Still have to use 2023r1.1 which works fine.
Is there any chance to get this subject fixed?
brgds. alex.

Ricardo - I share the same problem as Alex. 20231.1 worked perfectly for me. I’ve install 2023r3.1 on Debian 11, Debian 12, Ubuntu 22.04 in VirtualBox VMs and still have the problems Alex described. Buttons and text edits become just horizontal lines when I drop them on the form. Trying to grab a handle and drag the control back to a 2D shape causes Xojo to either freeze up or just disappear.
What distro of Linux and Desktop Environment do you use at Xojo? I’m willing to switch versions or Linux in order to keep using Xojo. Thanks

I’m using Debian, but I’ll review it with other distros to see what could be causing it.

Hurrey!!! It’s fixed now with 2023r4.

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