Xojo 2020 r2 doesn't work in Sierra 10.12.6?

I tried but didn’t allow it to open for compatibility, is there anything I can do without having to upgrade to 10.13 ?

  • At least 4GB of RAM
  • macOS Big Sur 11.0.1
  • macOS Catalina 10.15.x
  • macOS Mojave 10.14.x
  • macOS High Sierra 10.13.x

macOS Mojave (10.14) or higher is required to build for Apple Silicon. See below for iOS requirements.

An SSD is recommended for best performance.

I just grabbed that from the Xojo docs under requirements

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To supplement brian’s post, here’s the link for System Requirements.



I did not understand too… until the last betas, 10.12 was still working, and then brutaly 10.13 was mandatory. we had 10.12 in august, 10.13 today, may be bigsur will be the base system in march or april ??? pretty sure it is due to last apple framework to develop for bigsur, but anyway it is very annoying. my beloved macbook pro 17" 2011 will have to be dropped at the next update :frowning:

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Thank you for your help !
I never wanted to install anything other than Sierra because I consider it the most stable of the OS, unfortunately I think I will soon have to do that.

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Hi Jean,
I have Macmini 2014, iMac 2013 and my main machine is a Macbook Air 2014, I can run newer systems but I will not, I am at that crossroads where I am deciding what to do in the coming years as it is very difficult to continue with so many changes .

I’m really discouraged about what’s to come with Apple Silicon.

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Some people install macOS 10.13 in a VM or use external SSD usb drive to boot the machine.

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Thanks AlbertoD !

I will see how to proceed because I think it is a lot of work to use external SSD just to test my Apps because I do not have a need for my clients yet, but anyway it is an idea that had not occurred to me !

I stayed on Sierra for a long time myself, but moved to Mojave and it behaves just as well (Mac Pro 2010 & MacBook Air 2014)

I second that. I also stayed on High Sierra then eventually upgraded to Mojave and have not run into any serious issues as I thought I would have.

@Paulo_Vargas if your hardware allows Mojave (10.14) upgrade I would go for that especially now it is the minimum requirement.

I am not going to move to Mojave because I use an Adobe CS6 perpetual licenses that has some performance limitations above 10.13

Understand that
@AlbertoD had a great suggestion then about running from external SSD

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I develop for iOS on Catalina in a virtual environment. It works great. I can upgrade the virtual OS to whatever I want, have different OS versions, etc. I run it on an external SSD and it’s quite fast. I run 10.13.6 on my MacBookPro.

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Thanks Jon,
I think I will also do this, I use Sierra, but I will upgrade to High Sierra and then make an External SSD with Mojave.