Xojo 2018r3 styles

Hi everyone. I have updated to Xojo 2018r3 and encountered a problem in Styles. The panel with buttons Normal, Pressed, Hover and Visited is invisible. But if you click in that place the buttons are acting. The screenshot is below. Thank you.

Yes, I see the same (on Windows).
I would expect this:

And second, pressing the invisible buttons did cause a full crash of my IDE.
Sergio, can you please file a Feedback.


ok… I just DL’d 2018 … what the heck is this “Styles” all about, and where is it?

It’s the IDE WebStyles editor.

Ah no wonder I didn’t see it :slight_smile: Thanks

[quote=411638:@Joost Rongen]Yes, I see the same (on Windows).
I would expect this:

And second, pressing the invisible buttons did cause a full crash of my IDE.
Sergio, can you please file a Feedback.[/quote]

I have pressed a lot of times on that buttons and it didn’t crash IDE.