Xojo 2018 R1 Bugs

Or go here and use their free 24hr trial: https://www.macstadium.com/pricing/

One can also exaggerate :wink:

I wont sign up on an internet service just to use this app. If Xojo is answering me after the 24hr trial, I also wouldn’t be able to answer back.

It’s just not worth the work and time. Sorry, but if Xojo can’t make the app running on a really standard proxy, then I’m not really willing to put much effort in this to just get it running once.

But eventually are you (or another member) so nice to file that bug reports for me?!

  1. I cant make a feedback on that, there’s not enough information.
  2. That’s already been reported and fixed (from memory).
  3. If you make a video of the problem happening to a sample project which you also post I’ll be happy to post it for you.

dim rs as recordset dim someting as string = rs.Field("field").StringValue
This shows the autocomplete suggestion “As” (add a after .StringValue). But I don’t get the repeating “As As As”.

You can’t get your app to work. So it’s not worth your time to try to get Feedback to work? But you expect others to do your work for you? Sorry, I don’t understand this.

@Dave S : 2018r1.1 is working fine for my desktop app. Breakpoints are okay. 64bit is doing great. YMMV

[quote=390231:@Beatrix Willius]You can’t get your app to work. So it’s not worth your time to try to get Feedback to work? But you expect others to do your work for you? Sorry, I don’t understand this.

@Dave S : 2018r1.1 is working fine for my desktop app. Breakpoints are okay. 64bit is doing great. YMMV[/quote]

yet I don’t understand this?

In a project I have on hand, developed with 2018r1 in mind on 2018r1, the printing process is way faster than with 2015r1 ! (32 bits both, I think, running in the IDE).

I do not really care about the speed in that case, but there is a real difference: when you think “it is slower’, that really means it: 2015r1 IS slower in that case.

That project takes images (six per sheet of paper) and put them in a PDF, and save the PDF to disk… so when youhave 120 images, it will takes time to do.

Beatrix :slight_smile:

No, I do not expect that others will do the work for me. What I made was opening a forum-thread to collect and discuss some bugs in the current xojo version. As I said, I don’t blame xojo, it is no problem for us to stay at an older (and stable) version and to not report the issues since I don’t want to put much effort into the feedback app.

The main issue is the bug with the not-running-compiled-applications, which is well discussed on another thread and I think that Xojo is going to fix that soon.

It’s not worth anyone’s time to get Feedback working. It’s a antiquated, backwards way to collect information about bugs and feature requests from your users. Most modern companies use an online web-based system tied in to email for users to report problems and provide feedback. Doing it that way promotes two-way dialog between the user and the developer, makes the requests more visible to the Xojo community and goes a long way to getting problems resolved in a timely manner. Xojo’s way of doing it does not. Of course, since this is the only “official” way to get Xojo to listen most people will download every new version of the Feedback tool required to submit a report. Xojo has a halfway decent web application development system so I wonder why they don’t recreate their Feedback tool as a web application which would be compatible on just about any device.

The other thing is that bugs and feature requests submitted to Xojo through the Feedback app often end up as “Reviewed” or “Verified” and go no further, sometimes for years. There’s no accountability on Xojo’s part to provide updates or timelines on fixes. Having it easily accessible to the public without having to install an app (and update it every time a new version is released) would, I feel, lead more people to participate and throw their weight (votes) on relevant issues and requests.

@Anthony Mott: yes, Feedback is odd. I call it’s interface “obfuscated” because of this. An online version of Feedback wouldn’t necessary promote a “two-way dialog between user and developer”. A web-based version wouldn’t even have to be public. That Feedback issues often stay way too long as “Reviewed” or “Verfied” is something that annoys me, too. I still get every day mails about that “pthread kill” issue that nobody at Xojo seems to care about. At least the discussion about the issue got nowhere.

Nevertheless Feedback is what we have. If Lars wants to go the wait and pray way that’s his decision.