With a 32bit build this works fine, however 64-bit shows as a blank box. Right clicking on the 32bit version allows you to see the source etc - 64bit nothing, it’s as if the actual browser component isn’t loading.
This is with windows 7 SP1 with all the latest updates installed. I also saw the exact same behaviour a few months ago when testing Xojo 2017r1. Not really relevant, but the code works on Mac regardless of 32/64bit builds.
On a separate note… When using native mode, 32bit will choose the latest version of IE (with the registry code from the Xojo docs). However 64bit seems to ignore this flag (I’ve tried both Dword and Qword) and reverts back to MSIE 7.
I would appreciate any help. With webkit seeming not to work in 64bit and native 64bit ignoring the registry code - the HTMLviewer is pretty useless to me right now.
[quote]HTMLViewer.LoadPage(Source As String, RelativeTo As FolderItem)
Loads source (a String containing HTML) into the HTMLViewer. RelativeTo is a file (not a folder) used for resolving links and temporary files.[/quote]
Thanks for the reply. I’ve tried GetTemporaryFolderItem with the same result/output.
I don’t believe it is a problem with the code. The fact it works in 64-bit mode with native renderer suggests to me it is a 64-bit webkit Xojo problem.
If I could get 64-bit Xojo on Windows to obey the registry code and use the latest version of IE then I could get around the webkit issue.
Hopefully something more visual might help explain the problem better:
Webkit Windows
Left: 64-bit webkit. Right: 32-bit webkit (exactly same code as in my original post in both)
Left: 64-bit Native (see the old user agent). Right: 32-bit Native (registry obeyed). Bottom: IE (Latest version installed)
[quote=350865:@Eli Ott]Have you tried it with a doctype? For example add the following line at the top of your HTML:
HTML without a doc type is not really valid HTML and is being interpreted differently.[/quote]
Sorry for not replying directly before.
Yep, tried it with a doctype and the same result.
For me what seems odd is you can’t even right click on the HTMLviewer. Webkit in 32-bit has a right click menu even when the content is blank - as does 32/64 IE. It seems like there is a problem with 64-bit webkit in 2017r2 - maybe a plugin isn’t loaded properly or something along those lines. I have tried a fresh install as well just to rule out a problem with my setup and i get the same result.
Thanks to all so far for your comments/suggestions.
@Dave W make a sample project and file a bug report in Feedback if you think theres a problem. We really need to be able to review an example at this point.