Xojo 2017 Release 1 is now available! This update adds more than 230 improvements, with a major focus on debugging, including 64-bit debugging and Raspberry Pi Remote Debugging.
Xojo 2017 Release 1 features:
*64-bit debugging for macOS and Linux
*Remote debugging to Raspberry Pi
*Improved printing support on Windows (now using Direct2D)
*Improved Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket on Windows
*Code Editor improvements, such as more automatic code formatting, optional line number display and improved tab handling
*Menu shortcut editor allows you to set and change all IDE menu shortcuts
*WebKit HTMLViewer on Windows is now much faster and standard-compliant (uses Chromium Embedded Framework 3)
*Support for HTML in text-based web controls
The complete list of improvements in Xojo 2017 Release 1 can be found in the release notes. Download it now!
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