XML is my file OK?

I’m adding an Export to XML command to my database app. Please take a look at the dump below. There are five fields: location, date, cost, gal, paytype.

[quote]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><LP_DBT>


Is the layout ok? If not please give some hint as how to improve.

looking good! For what you want to store, I think XML Attributes will be fine. Maybe the file is cut off, but there should be </LP_DBT> and the end.

As far as tweaks are concern, I would recommend storing dates in SQL Date or SQL DateTime format.

You might want to try one of the online XML validators such as:

I use FireFox to validate and view xml files… It does a nice job of formatting and making it readable… In fact I have set FireFox as my default .xml application…


There was [quote=155269:@Rich Hatfield]Maybe the file is cut off, but there should be </LP_DBT> and the end.[/quote]

Yep, it was cut off.