XDC2014 Open Conversation - Day 2

Thom has an excellent technique for dealing with threaded access to a database: Use a CriticalSection to force all database access to occur sequentially.

App.DoEvents = Pure Evil (as per Thom and, I think, Norman)


I always dim at top of scope so I know what to expect within the scope and know it is gone when I leave it.

If there is already an event loop, do NOT use App.DoEvents. Only legitimate place is a non-event driven console app.

app.doevents is evil.

I’ll have to talk to Norman about this. Current reasoning is to leave it in place to avoid breaking code, but by definition, if it’s being used where it shouldn’t, that code is already broken. Removing it would be helping people un-break their code.

[quote=74644:@Kem Tekinay]Thom is talking about threads. Mentions the Task class that comes with the Xojo package, but he has his own too. Access from here:


Enter your email address and we will package everything up and email the code directly to you.

thanks everyone (especially Kem the posting monster he is) on posting updates about XDC. it makes those of us that couldnt make it, live a little easier.

I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve overheard that started with, “where’s Scott Boss?” Sad.

Ah go on, tell us.

Let’s put it this way: There should be a banner posted somewhere by now.

it is sad that I couldnt be there this year. Hopefully I can be there next year.

now this made me laugh (out loud). I laughed loud enough that the dog came over to make sure I was ok. Thanks I needed it.

Is “Where’s Scott Boss?” the new version of “Where’s Waldo?” That’d make a great kids book.

I would buy a bunch and give to the nephews/nieces…

Paul again in “Practical User Interface Design”.

“Users say they want choices. They lie.” Truer words were never paraphrased.

“Users say they want choices. They lie.”
Android users say they like the diversity, but always prefer the Google-only version.

Sorry Kem, truer words just got paraphrased!

“People Can’t…” is the subheading. First bullet point?

