XDC2014 Open Conversation - Day 1

You have to be at the conference to log into the app - so even though Kem posted the URL, you won’t be able to use it if you aren’t here.

Create a view similar to how your create a window. Then add a Table control. (Did he mean ListBox? No, it’s a Table control).

A Table can have data loaded into them by any object that implements a certain Interface.

New framework has everything organized into namespaces. Nothing more than three deep, if memory serves., so “xojo.ios.StandardTableData” for example…

So far, this feels like writing any other Xojo app, just with some shiny new toys. Transition seems like it will be easy…

Web app working here now. Had to sign onto the hotel WiFi.

Hi Kem, anything on the capabilities of the Table control? Max rows, cols, features, limits?

He’s developing an app right now, but I can ask him after. Not sure this is the right forum though because there might be too much to know for the short time allowed.

I see, you have a “Screen” and add different “Views” to that Screen.

This is awesome!

BTW, will the xojo namespace be included in autocorrect?

StandardTableData becomes Xojo.iOS.StandardTableData

No mention of that yet. My memory from last year is that they were considering it.


They could also restrict it to Xojo projects if implemented to not break compatibility with Real Studio.

I know they write their demos around the limitations of the alpha IDE, but Joe is developing this live while making missteps along the way that he’s had to correct, and the IDE has been flawless so far.

Instead of something like View.Show, you use PushTo to switch views. That creates the sliding effect and puts the “Back” button up at the top for you. You can even control the caption of the Back button through the Properties inspector.

Just like segues in Xcode, cool.

They added a convenience so that a field will shift for focus when the keyboard appears, then back again when it disappears.

Standard buttons built into the new framework. They’re appearance will be controlled by the OS so will change when Apple next changes their “standard”.

Native controls = I keep using Xojo

Couldn’t the home-button-needing-to-be-pressed issue be solved by having the IDE run this Applescript whenever the run button is pressed for an iOS app:

activate application "iOS Simulator" tell application "System Events" to keystroke "h" using {command down, shift down} end

Apparently, that’s the answer that Apple liked that may have allowed Xojo to do this in the first place. (Native controls, I mean).

Zoned out and missed something, but I think Joe just said that Retina is handled automatically as long as images have a 2X version available.