Is there a document or post somewhere with a table of which version(s) of Xcode is required for each version of Xojo iOS?
Then you click System Requirements on the left and it open the requirements for older Xojo releases.
Thanx Alberto. I had come across that in the docs but didn’t see the Xcode requirement in the section’s 1 liner.
I have downloaded Xcode 8.0 and development profiles. I am also running Xojo 2016.1.1.
When I start up Xojo and load an iOS project (with Xcode open), the Run and Build buttons are disabled. The way I understood the requirement is that Xojo 2016.1.x required Xcode 6.x or higher. Is there something else I’m missing?
I believe you need to run Xcode and agree to its terms and conditions to enable the Run and Build buttons in Xojo.
Looks like it was a Xojo version issue. I found a post talking about 2016.1.1 having that specific issue. I downloaded 2016.4.1 and it worked fine.