Xcode 12 experiences?

Just wondering if anyone is using Xcode 12 with Xojo and has discovered any issues. I upgraded to iOS 14 on my iPad (well, “iPadOS”) to make sure my apps run okay in the new operating system. They do but, of course, Xcode 11.x cannot connect to a device running iOS 14 so now the only to preview apps on the iPad is to upload them to the App Store and then download them using TestFlight. Doable, but kludgy.

Just want to know if there are any gotchas out there before taking the plunge and installing Xcode 12.

You can generally get an older XCode to still support newer iOS versions / builds by copying some device support files from the newest XCode to the proper location in the XCode you want to use. If done manually, you still need to download XCode upddates to extract those files. Since that can be lots of GB of downloads to get a few MB in files, if you trust what others are making available there are GitHub repositories that try to keep copies.

For example, see this thread on Stack Overflow. At least read the comments on it or similar threads to see how to do yourself manually if you already have the latest XCode downloads.

Xcode 11 cannot produce a compiled app that can be uploaded to the App Store.
If you want to deploy, you MUST install Xcode 12.
To do that , you MUST install Catalina.
(And then you might be asked to buy a new Xojo iOS licence)

Even if that is so, there may be cases where you do a final compilation using XCode 12 in a VM running Catalina or BS, but want to do your development in Mojave and XCode 11. So still want to be able to connect to iOS 14 devices from XCode 11. Or you are not needing to submit to the App Store but instead distribute via an Enterprise license or even ad-hoc profiles and thus can use XCode 11.

I don’t have anything in the App Store, but I have many iOS programs that I deploy via various enterprise licenses. So sometimes there are legitimate reasons to ask a question that on the surface may seem irrelevant.

Don’t get me wrong - I completely agree with you
It’s a massive pain to be constantly dragged/forced into having a newer version because somebody doesn’t want to allow backwards compatibility.

Actually, this is not true. The App Store is still accepting submissions created with Xcode 11. I just uploaded one. I would guess that Xcode 12 will be required maybe sometime this (northern hemisphere) winter or early spring.

I appreciate what everyone is saying about the tyranny of Xcode updates and the work-arounds. However, my original query was more along the lines of: are there any issues using Xcode 12 with Xojo 2020 r1 to produce iOS apps. If there aren’t, then I don’t mind installing Xcode 12; it is free, after all and will eventually be required… What can be more irritating is when a certain version of Xcode becomes required and one has to update their Xojo license in order to use the required Xcode when there aren’t additional compelling features in Xojo. That ain’t free!

The system requirements page of the Xojo documentation does not list Xcode 12 as a supported version. Just hoping there were some brave early adopters out there…

Correct! Xcode 12 will be required in April 2021.

I haven’t tested Xcode12 with Xojo yet as I am not running Catalina.
I plan on testing Xcode12 with Xojo next week. I will post on this thread as soon as possible.

Well done.
I promise you, it wouldn’t take mine. Which is why I ended up royally screwed.

What can be more irritating is when a certain version of Xcode becomes required and one has to update their Xojo license in order to use the required Xcode when there aren’t additional compelling features in Xojo. That ain’t free!

^^ This

I have no problems building on Xcode 12 with Xojo 2020 r1.


Thanks, Jason. That’s good to know.

I am a newbie. With Xcode 12.0.1 I ran in to one error following the YouTube example by Jim McKay (with Xojo).

error: One of the paths in DEVELOPMENT_ASSET_PATHS does not exist: /Users/johnny/src_prj/Xojo/MyTerm/MyTerm/Preview Content (in target ‘MyTerm’ from project ‘MyTerm’)

–> I fixed the above error by removing it from the “Build settings” in Xcode.

Now I am getting the below error:
error: Build input file cannot be found: ‘/Users/johnny/src_prj/Xojo/MyTerm/MyTermTests/Info.plist’ (in target ‘MyTermTests’ from project ‘MyTermTerm’)

Any Idea what is going on?

[1] Do I need to have the MyTermTests.xctest and MytermUITests.xctest files under Product?
[2] Is there a step by step guide to build successfully using Xcode and Xojo? (perhaps a good starting point).
[3] Do I need to have the $100 paid Apple developer account to verify things with Xcode?

If you want to deploy and submit your App to the AppStore you will need a paid developer account with Apple …