Screenshot WebToolbar
Screenshot WebToolbar (Zoomed in)
This bug exists since the start of Web 2.0. I thought this kind of small glitch will be corrected “automatically”, but I was proven wrong . Hence, I opened a feedback case today: <>
It is easy to reproduce. The alignment of a buttonStyles.Menu is just not 100% accurate.
// Documents button
Var documentsButton As New WebToolbarButton
documentsButton.Icon = WebPicture.BootstrapIcon("file-text")
documentsButton.Caption = "Documents"
// User menu
Var userButton As New WebToolbarButton
userButton.Style = WebToolbarButton.ButtonStyles.Menu
userButton.Caption = session.gFirstname
userbutton.Icon = webpicture.BootstrapIcon("person", &cff9300)
var changePassword as new WebMenuItem("Change Password")
changePassword.icon = pChangePassword changePassword )
Me.AddItem( userButton)
// Test Button to prove it is not related to the chosen icon, nor the color etc
// Icon alignment is different per button type, which is a bug
Var documents2Button As New WebToolbarButton
documents2Button.Icon = WebPicture.BootstrapIcon("person", &cff9300)
documents2Button.Caption = "Jeannot"
documents2Button.Tag = "Jeannot"
Workaround with CSS is possible (but only to a certain extend) but not a durable workaround. Webtoolbars are the first impression, and they should look nice. is giving a live example too. Please look there at the “blog” button. Its alignment is different from those buttons with submenus.