I’ve got a small Method intended write out to a CSV file the info needed for Address labels. It works as expected on the Mac, but I only get the header line and the first line I’m getting from any array in windows.
Here’s the code:
var x as integer = 0
var ReturnStr as string
var recordstr as string
var f as FolderItem
f = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog("Plain/text","Contacts-label.csv")
If f <> Nil Then
Var t As TextOutputStream = TextOutputStream.Create(f)
do until ContactRecords(x,15)="Inactive"
ReturnStr="Export Complete"
Return ReturnStr
Catch e As IOException
// handle error
Returnstr="File Write Error"
Return ReturnStr
End Try
ReturnStr="Export Cancelled"
return ReturnStr
End If
Do the records come from a database?
A SQL query does not always return values in the same order.
have you checked whether more than one line is attempted?
(ie how many elements does the array actually have?)
Are you opening the CSV file in Excel? Excel locks the file against being written.
Do any of the fields contain a chr(0) or chr(26) which might make the CSV file truncate?
Your first step would be to try
msgbox recordstr //or system debug logging
The record is not from a database, it’s from a CSV file that has been pulled into an array. I can verify that it’s in the array properly.
I know how many lines are in the array and I can see each record with other parts of my application. I’ve tried using notepad and I only see the first line from the array.
I have not checked for chr(0) or chr(26), but I will do that.
The fact that this is working on the Mac and I suspect Linux (which I haven’t tried yet) makes me think there is something going on with the end of line info, but I don’t know.
Since I’m not doing anything strange here, it seems to me that XoJo should handle this when it creates the Windows build.
Are you aware of the encoding problems for text files? Not sure if this is related to that but Xojo made a mess with silent chnages on the TextOutputStream, maybe if you define the encoding of the TextOutputStream for your target OS:
Var t As TextOutputStream = TextOutputStream.Create(f)
output.Encoding = Encodings.WindowsANSI
It appears there is an issue in your Contact Function… I cleaned-up the code above and moved the individual write lines to an array that is only written to file once and immediately closed. That should reduce CPU and system bog when writing 1000’s of records.
var x as integer = 0
var f as FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog("Plain/text","Contacts-label.csv")
Var WriteArray() as String
If isNull(f) then return "Export Cancelled"
Var t As TextOutputStream = TextOutputStream.Create(f)
Var recordstr as String ="FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,Address,City,State,Zipcode"
While App.ContactRecords(x,15)="Inactive"
t.Write( String.FromArray(WriteArray, endofline) )
Return "Export Complete"
Catch e As IOException
// handle error
Return "File Write Error"
End Try
**I created test functions to satisfy the missing ContactRecords function, and the above seemed to work on Windows with no issues. Check your ContactRecords function and step-thru it as Christian advises above.
**In my experience speed is important when coding applications and a factor of ‘best practices’. While/Wend tends to take slightly less time to process a loop than Do-Loop. - not much different, but every bit counts. Depending on the contents of the Do-Loop & While/Wend, these will actually flip-flop on occasion in terms of speed (notably with embedded For/next loops)
#Pragma DisableBackgroundTasks True
#Pragma DisableBoundsChecking True
#Pragma StackOverflowChecking False
Var x as integer = 0
Var k as Double = System.Microseconds
While x <> 1000000
x = x+1
Var L as Double = system.Microseconds
x = 0
Var i as Double = System.Microseconds
Do until x = 1000000
x = x+1
Var j as Double = System.Microseconds
MessageBox "Do/Loop took - " + str(j - i) + " microseconds. While/Wend took - " + str(l-k) + " microseconds. Both processed 1,000,000 loops"
Actually, no. This tells my code to not write out anymore lines once it finds the first “Inactive” in that field in the array. I won’t go into details on that since the rest of the code is working fine, and the fact that this only had an issue with Windows during the writeline part of the code. If this had been an issue, my code would not be working.
That is a great point Bill…sorry, I overlooked that as I’ve been doing multiple things today and not all on the computer. I’ll tweak my code to deal with that possibility.