WOW.... this is the most unintuitive Forum

I sorely miss a search feature…

[quote=10061:@Dave S]Software I have ever seen in my life.
Took me 10 minutes to figure out how to post anything…
It is hard to read the screen (the font/color combo is terrible)…
All of the topic areas mixxed together (not segregated like before)
Have to joing TWO other websites (Gravatar and Wordpress) just to add an avatar? seriously (no avatar for me then)

Haven’t fired up the New Xojo… hope that is not as disappointing

(And yeah… I don’t even know WHERE this is going to be posted)…

I was a major contributor on the other forum,… I hope that either I get over this “change”… or things improve…
I would hate for this forum software to contribute to my reduction in contributions[/quote]

It really is strange to see how some people completely hate something and others love it. I love the new iOS 7, and I hear
so many people complain about it – yet, their complaints are about the “look” – not the features and functionality.

The NUG is practically dead. If thats any indication of how GOOD this forum is, than I’d say you’re in the minority.
I find this forum to be one of the best ones I’ve ever used.

There’s some things that I don’t like – but it appears the author is willing to do some updates to make people happy.