Workaround for Xojo bug

I have found, what I think is a bug in Xojo. I am using the Alex Restrepo tab panel class and whenever I place it in one of my ContainerControls it works. I though I might say, just in case this is useful that it is a ContainerControl within a ContainerControl that the tabpanel is on. Although it works when I first place it down, if I save the project and then reopen the project then it will crash my app when I make an instance of that specific tabpanel. It does not crash with any of the other tab panels. The best workaround I have found so far is to make a class for that instance of the custom tabpanel and then delete the instance and replace it with a newly made one. There must be something wrong with Xojo’s system for saving and/or loading projects. Any suggestions?


Oliver do you have the “Break on Exceptions” option in the IDE? Project --> Break on Exceptions.

This way if Xojo is encountering an error you will know for sure vs. it just blowing up.

I have found a better workaround which is far from ideal of momentarily using a native tab panel instead.

[quote=67399:@Mike Cotrone]Oliver do you have the “Break on Exceptions” option in the IDE? Project --> Break on Exceptions.

This way if Xojo is encountering an error you will know for sure vs. it just blowing up.[/quote]
Yes, there is a tick next to the option. It usually breaks on exceptions.
