Word Wrap in Print

I want to print the list box details.
Here is my code

g = OpenPrinterDialog()

if g = nil then
end if

g.textFont = “calibri”
g.textSize = 12
pageLength = (672/g.textHeight)

lines = 0

g.bold = true
g.drawstring iType+" AUDIT TRAIL REPORT - "+Today.ShortDate,200 ,40 + (linesg.textHeight)
g.drawstring "Start Date :- "+AuditFromDate,50 ,70 + (lines
g.drawstring "End Date :- "+AuditToDate,400 ,70 + (lines*g.textHeight)


g.drawstring “S.No”,50 ,100 + (linesg.textHeight)
g.drawstring “Audit Entry”,85 ,100 + (lines
g.drawstring “TimeStamp”,450 ,100 + (lines*g.textHeight)
g.bold = false

//listbox contents
for i = 0 to lstAuditTrails.listcount - 1

g.drawstring lstAuditTrails.cell(i,0),50,130+(lines*g.textHeight)
g.drawstring lstAuditTrails.cell(i,2),85,130+(lines*g.textHeight)
g.drawstring lstAuditTrails.cell(i,3),450,130+(lines*g.textHeight)
lines = lines + 1


In this the audit entry details (row 2) need to wrap.
Kindly advice what i missed on this.

Graphics.DrawString ( Text as String, X as Integer, Y as Integer [,WrapWidth as Integer ] [,Condense as Boolean ] )

yes Peter Fargo, I change my code as

g.drawstring lstAuditTrails.cell(i,0),50,130+(linesg.textHeight)
g.drawstring lstAuditTrails.cell(i,2),85,130,400+(lines
g.drawstring lstAuditTrails.cell(i,3),450,130+(lines*g.textHeight)

But I didn’t get the wrap text…

lstAuditTrails.cell(i,0) is the string
50 is X
130+(lines*g.textHeight) is Y

No wrap parameter