Windows Universal Runtime installation by Inno Setup - OK if already installed?


I am getting my app ready for deployment on Windows, using Inno Setup. In the example 64-bit Inno Setup script, it uses the following to install the required Universal runtime:

[code]; This specifies the Visual C++ Windows Runtime Redistributable to also install because
; it is required by Xojo apps made with 2016r1 or later.
Source: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Xojo\Xojo 2016r1.1\Extras\Windows Runtime\Installers\VC_redist.x64.exe”; DestDir: {tmp}

Filename: {tmp}\VC_redist.x64.exe; Parameters: “/install /quiet /norestart”; StatusMsg: “Installing 64-bit Windows Universal runtime…”; Flags: waituntilterminated

Is there any harm in doing this, if the user already has the Universal Runtime installed on their computer? My understanding is that it is already included with Windows 10, but users of Windows 8 or 7 may not have it if not up-to-date with Windows updates.


Hi Frank,

It causes no issues. I have 5 apps that do this on both Desktop and Server releases of Windows.

Thanks Tim! That’s good to know.