Windows Drive Mounts not showing


I have some windows 10 and 11 machines and I need to be able to access an smb mount from the nas.

The nas mount is Mounted under R:\ but apparently no matter what I do it shows me C:\ only .

So what is the right way to get that mount and access it ?

On my side I tried both :

For i As Integer = 0 To SpecialFolder.Mount.LastDriveIndex
  System.DebugLog("Listed drive Index is : " + i.ToString)
  System.DebugLog("Listed drive is : " +SpecialFolder.Mount.DriveAt(i).Name)

For i As Integer = 0 To FolderItem.LastDriveIndex
  System.DebugLog("Listed drive Index is : " + i.ToString)
  System.DebugLog("Listed drive is : " + FolderItem.DriveAt(i).Name)

But in both cases only the OS partition C is shown .


More information is needed:

  1. What kind of app is this (desktop / console / service).

  2. Is the app running under the same user that the mounts were created?

Hi Kevin,

Sorry for that, that would be a Desktop app and yes the user is same as the user that runs the app.

What was weird was that if , for example I ask the user to select the drive then once selected until the app restarts it works smooth and drive is ok, once app restarts I need to do same again .

So far the delicate part is that the drive is hidden from the users to avoid mistake so I would like to do this step without the user intervention.


Have you tried accessing the drive like this?
